
Condatis is written by David W. Wallis and Jenny A. Hodgson at the University of Liverpool. You can email us at You can request to be added to our mailing list to receive notifications about workshops, or new versions.

Preferred citation

We would always love to hear about how Condatis has been useful to you, e.g. by email.

There is much confusion about the best way to cite software when you write up the results of your analyses. If you can remember to, please check back to the home page to get the latest preferred citation at the time when you write up.

Thanks to, our software also has a DOI which is10.5281/zenodo.13951 for version 0.6.0.

The current best way to cite the underlying scientific method is to cite Hodgson et al (2012) PLoS ONE 7(10): e47141 DOI link

Condatis file downloads

This page provides handy downloads related to the Condatis project (about which there is more information at the homepage


This zip package contains the ready-to-run executable for 64-bit Windows 7

If you would prefer the source code, you can find it on our github site

Instructions for installing are found here

Condatis is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 with one additional permitted term (read the license).
Note that this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


This zip package contains the help manual by itself. Note that we have released the help under a different license to the software itself; this is why we thought it best to keep them separate.

Demo data

The help manual contains several tutorials to help you to learn the features of Condatis. This zip package contains the demo data that is needed to reproduce the tutorials. Terms and conditions for individual datasets are included in each subfolder in a file called 'about_the_data.txt'

How to integrate the help manual and demo data

Once you have Condatis you will also want to download the manual and demonstration data and save them in a folder where Condatis can find it. When Condatis is run for the first time it creates a new folder where you keep your Condatis-associated files. The new folder is in your home folder (e.g. Users/yourusername/ on Windows 7) and is called 'condatis'. In this folder you will also find four more folders called 'manual', 'maps', 'projects' and 'exports'.

Condatis files can be quite big, so you will want to save them on a drive with lots of space. If you are happy with the default location of your 'condatis' folder you can download the help and extract it in to the 'manual' folder, and the demo data in to the 'maps' folder. 

If you would like to keep your Condatis files somewhere else on your computer then go to 'Settings' in Condatis and change the location of the path to wherever you want to keep your files. If you click 'OK', Condatis will create a new 'condatis' folder (including the subfolders) for you. You can now extract your help and maps into the new location.

Case studies

Our project partners kindly wrote up the results of their preliminary analyses so that others can see how the software may be used.

  1. Condatis case study – Buglife B-Lines focuses on flower-rich habitat in the Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater
    Manchester area and contains an example of prioritisation by dropping. View or download the pdf
  2. Condatis case study – Woodland protected areas in Wales focuses on long-distance connections between woodland SACs and is a good illustration of the use of customised source and target areas in Condatis. View or download the pdf